Unity in Purpose, Impact in Action

Non-Governmental Organization (NGO)-Tawun Pakistan

Our Chancelors

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Syed Shoaib Ali

Syed Hassan bin Hammad

Bahawal Hussain Chattha

Our Team

Presenting the Executive Council of Tawun Pakistan.


Taha can be seen in break hanging out with the same group of friends including his fellow Wing Head. He’s one of the few people here in the Science Society. A man truly fit for this position. -Environmental Wing Head Taha Sheeraz


Aayan Ahmed, the Conqueror of Lahore, stands out in the ACES society with a soft heart and a stern personality. A dedicated individual with back-to-back winning streaks, he is a true gentleman and avid music listener. -Head of Directorate Ayan Ahmad


Zeyad is one of the most intelligent people you’ll meet with his vast knowledge in Computer Science and Physics. He has himself engrossed in every Society in Aitchison and finds himself successful everywhere he goes. -Accessibility Wing Head Zeyad Zeeshan

Our Team

Presenting the Directorate of Tawun Pakistan.


One of the best swimmers in Aitchison and a cunning individual.
-Director Operations Musa Mansoor


Meet ‘Lamba Khamba’ as his friends call him. Nehaan is a core member of the ACMUN society and a brilliant Cricket player.
-Director Operations Nehaan Waqas


Abdullah hails all the way from Gujrat. He’s a smart individual who’s just trying to survive his A-Levels. He wished to remain unpictured.
-Director Operations Abdullah Ahmad


Meet Murtaza, aka Shabnam. While not achieving notable success in MUNs, his engaging humor and commitment to creativity make him a valuable asset to the organization.
-Director Creativity Murtaza Azam


One of the friendliest and imaginative people you’ll meet, Ayan can be called the BFG.
-Director Creativity Ayan Abid


Asad is a very simple man. Pray, Eat, Sleep, Repeat is his Motto.He’s known for many things but rumors have it he is a licensed therapist with a star patient being one of the illustrious chancellors. He too wished to not be pictured.
-Director Creativity Asad Ali Sheikh


Muhammad or MBS as he’s called made a surprise entry in the N.G.O. quickly rising the ranks to become Director. We hope he’ll continue to show dedication and help the N.G.O grow.
-Director Media Muhammad Bin Salman


Mueez is a New-Commer in Aitchison College but has quickly made his name known. He won a PNA OD in just his second MUN so you know he’s a force to be reckoned with.
-Director Media Mueez Muhiudeen


When asked about his writeup , this is what he said ,
Hadi Kazmi piyo hai sab ka.
– Director Crisis management Hadi Kazmi ( not pictured )

Hamza Alizai

Hailing from the distant corners of Ancient China, a maestro at his art, presenting Mr Papa Smoke himself,
– Director Crisis Management Hamza Alizai ( not pictured )


Extremely extroverted, on most people’s black list, being close to Ibrahim is literally a danger to oneself, side note: He’s approachable, will help you out if you need it and will make a very good friend.
-Director Promotions Muhammad Ibrahim


Never talk to her she’s extremely extroverted, definitely a mass murderer (she accepts it), a caffiene addict and a CHRONIC YAPPER. She also has the mind of a toddler and the memory span of a goldfish. Though she’ll still help this N.G.O succeed.
-Director Promotions Maryam Amir


Daniyal (Dinky) Anees is a fascinating person. The most innocent yet harami man you will ever meet. One thing we can ensure is that he’s perfect for this position as shown by his work at ACSEC.
-Director Logistics Daniyal Anees


Mr. “Aaj Khane ko kya hai” has arrived. He’s a man of many talents (acting obviously not being one of them) with his many scandals involving a very pretty dress and horrendous makeup. Besides that though he’s a very talented Public Speaker and essay writer. He’s won many competitions in the past and has plans to continue doing so. He’s a Crisis MUNer and cricketer at heart.
-Director Logistics Onur Tanveer

-Director Legal


Muhammad Saad Munir otherwise known as ainak wala jinn is nothing more than your typical nerd(he even has the glasses) with a profound talent for web development. Studies have shown that he is deathly allergic to going outside because he would much rather spend his time working on his precious code(you can tell by the quality of this website). All jokes aside however he is a very hardworking individual who will surely prove beneficial to the goals of the ngo- Director IT Muahammad Saad Munir